Refereed international scientific journals

  • The ALTIUS mission, Fussen, D., Dekemper, E., Errera, Q., Franssens, G., Mateshvili, N., Pieroux, D., and Vanhellemont, F.
    Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., doi:10.5194/amt-2016-213.

  • RF-driving of acoustic-optical tunable filters; Design, Realization and Qualification of Analog and Digital Modules for ESA, J. Vanhamel, D. Fussen, E. Dekemper, E . Neefs, B. Vanopstal, D. Pieroux, J. Maes, E. Van Lil, P. Leroux, Microelectronics Reliability, 55 (2015), pp. 2103-2107.

  • Implementation of Different RF-chains to Drive Acousto-Optical Tunable Filters in the Frame of an ESA Space Mission, J. Vanhamel, S. Berkenbosch, E. Dekemper, D. Fussen, P. Leroux, E. Neefs, E. Van Lil, Radio Science Bulletin, 357 (June 2016), pp. 37-43.

  • On the accuracy of the SGP4 to predict stellar occultation events using ENVISAT/GOMOS data and recommendations for the ALTIUS mission, Jan Thoemel, Nina Mateshvili; Philippe Demoulin; Didier Pieroux,; Christine Bingen, Charles Robert,; Ghislain Franssens,; Emmanuel Dekemper, Filip Vanhellemont, Didier Fussen, CEAS Space J (2018).
  • The ALTIUS atmospheric limb sounder, Didier Fussen, Noel Baker, Jonas Debosscher, Emmanuel Dekemper, Philippe Demoulin, Quentin Errera Ghislain Franssens, Nina Mateshvili, Nuno Pereira, Didier Pieroux, Filip Vanhellemont, JQSRT,, [2019].

  • Systematic Comparison of Vectorial Spherical Radiative Transfer Models in Limb Scattering Geometry, Zawada, D., Franssens, G., Loughman, R., Mikkonen, A., Rozanov, A., Emde, C., Bourassa, A., Dueck, S., Lindqvist, H., Ramon, D., Rozanov, V., Dekemper, E., Kyrölä, E., Burrows, J. P., Fussen, D., and Degenstein, D.:, Atmos. Meas. Tech.,, 2021.

  • On the capability of UV-VIS limb sounders to constrain modelled stratospheric ozone and its application to the ALTIUS mission, Errera, Q., Dekemper, E., Baker, N., Debosscher, J., Demoulin, P., Mateshvili, N., Pieroux, D., Vanhellemont, F., and Fussen, D, Atmos. Meas. Tech.,, 2021.

Refereed national journals

  • The ALTIUS project: a Belgian atmospheric limb sounder aboard a micro-satellite platform, Didier Fussen, Eddy Neefs, Nicolas Loodts, Emmanuel Dekemper, Filip Vanhellemont, Nina Mateshvili, Cédric Tétard, Christine Bingen and Nadège Capouillez, submitted to Physicalia [2008].

Refereed conference proceedings

  • THE ALTIUS PAYLOAD, L. Aballea, W. Moelans, L. De Vos, B. Luyssaert, B.Dierickx, D. Nevejans, E. Neefs, J VanHamel, D. Pieroux, E. Dekemper, F. Vanhellemont, D. Fussen, ESA 4-S Symposium, PortoPetro, Majorca, 26-30 May 2014.

  • ALTIUS: a spaceborne AOTF-based UV-VIS-NIR hyperspectral imager for atmospheric remote sensing, Emmanuel Dekemper, Didier Fussen, Bert Van Opstal, Jurgen Vanhamel, Didier Pieroux, Filip Vanhellemont, Nina Mateshvili, Ghislain Franssens, Vitaly Voloshinov, Christof Janssen, Hadj Elandalouss, SPIE Remote Sensing Conference, Sensors, systems and next-generation satellites, 9241-19, Amsterdam, [Sep 2014].

  • ALTIUS: HIGH PERFORMANCE LIMB TRACKER, BASED ON A PROBA PLATFORM, D. Vrancken, D. Gerrits, J. Tallineau, J, Van Hove, P. Holsters, J. Naudet, S. Ilsen, L. Dayers, A.Keereman, D. Wierinck, T. Debraekeleer, D. Fussen, E. Dekemper, D. Pieroux, F. Vanhellemont, N. Mateshvili, G. Franssens, J. Vanhamel, B. Van Opstal, E. Neefs, J. Maes, L. Aballea, K. De Geeter,L. De Vos, 65th International Astronautical Congress 2014, Toronto, 29 sep-3 oct 2014.

  • ALTIUS development status, L. Aballea, W. Moelans, D. Kendall, K. De Geeter, L. De Vos, E. Neefs, J VanHamel, D. Pieroux, E. Dekemper, F. Vanhellemont, N. Mateshvili, G. Franssens, Q. Errera, D. Fussen, ESA 4-S Symposium, Valletta, Malta, 30 May-3 Jun 2016.

  • Technological innovation for the ALTIUS atmospheric limb sounding mission, L. Montrone; L. Aballea; D. Bernaerts; D. Navarro-Reyes; S. Santandrea; N. Saillen; K. Sarna; P. Holbrouck; W. Moelans; D. Kendall; D. Mollet; R. De Nutte; S. Demidov; H. Saari; J. Ward; R. Kassel; D. Fussen; E. Dekemper; E. Neefs; J. Vanhame, Proceedings Volume 11151, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXIII; 111510S (2019), SPIE Remote Sensing, 2019, Strasbourg, France.

  • Technological innovation for the ALTIUS atmospheric limb sounding mission: steps forward, Saillen, Nicolas, European Space Agency, et al., ERS20-RS104-11, SPIE 2020, Edimburg.


  • The ALTIUS mission: A Belgian Spectral Imager for the Remote Sensing of the Earth Atmosphere, E. Dekemper, F. Vanhellemont, N. Mateshvili, D. Pieroux, G. Franssens and D. Fussen, The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ACE at 10: A Solar Occultation Anthology, Peter Bernath, Editor, A. Deepak Publishing, 2013.